Why does the waterproof motorcycle dashcam, the DrivePro 20, fog up in certain conditions? Is this normal?

Categoria : Specification / Capacity / Performance

The DrivePro 20 motorcycle dashcam is not designed to be a vacuum-sealed device. For products with good waterproofing capabilities, lens fogging may occur when there are sudden changes in outside temperature or humidity. This can cause condensation to form on the inside of the lens glass. This fogging

usually disappears naturally after some time and is a normal physical phenomenon.

Although the DrivePro 20 has an IP68 waterproof rating, its lens is not specifically designed with an anti-fog feature. After use in environments with significant temperature or weather variations, we recommend trying one of these two methods:

Method 1: Turn off the DrivePro 20 indoors and leave it for a while to allow its temperature to stabilize with the environment. Then charge the device.

Method 2: Turn off the DrivePro 20 indoors, open its protective case, and place it in a dry cabinet. Charge it after waiting for a while.


1.After opening the protective case, make sure the O-shape seal ring is properly positioned and the case is securely fastened before next use. This will maintain the IP68 protection and ensure optimal performance.

2.Please be mindful of storage conditions. Store the device in a moisture-proof storage box or in a cool, dry place when not in use. Avoid storing it in areas with excessively high temperatures or humidity.

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