How do I delete photos or music files stored in the Digital Photo Frames?

Categoria : Setup / Operation

To delete photos and videos:
-In Thumbnail mode, press the OPTION button on the remote control.
-Choose "Select Source" and press OK.
-Select "My Favorites" to display photos stored in the Digital Photo Frames’ internal memory.
-Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT buttons to navigate the photo thumbnail you want to delete. Press OPTION on the remote control to reveal sub-menu options. Select "Remove from My Favorites."
To delete music files:
-In Music Explorer mode, press the OPTION button on the remote.
-Choose "Select Source" and press OK.
-Select "My Favorites" to switch the playback source to the Digital Photo Frames’ internal memory.
-Use the UP, DOWN, LEFT and RIGHT buttons to navigate the music file you want to delete. Press OPTION on the remote, and select "Remove from My Favorites."

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