Does my operating system support TRIM?

Categoria : Compatibility
For Mac users whose OS is between 10.10.1 to 10.10.3, Trim command is not supported.
You can upgrade your Mac OS to a newer version.

Don't worry if you cannot upgrade your Mac OS, as all Transcend's JetDrive products come with the Garbage Collection (GC) function to optimize the performance of the SSD. 

In order to enable TRIM, you can open the "Terminal" application on your Mac, type in the command "sudo trimforce enable", and then enter your admin password to activate Trim. 

The system will ask you twice to confirm the execution. After this, the system will automatically reboot to implement trim support.

Here's how to check whether TRIM is currently enabled by your system:

1. Click “About This Mac”

2. Open "System Report'

3. Check Trim status in "SATA/SATA Express"
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